Dr. Frederick Pearsall obtained his B.S. in Chemistry with a focus on Biological Chemistry at Stony Brook University in 2014. He works on the synthesis and characterization of nanocrystalline transition metal oxides for use in various applications including energy storage, memory storage, photocatalysis and sensors. Frederick is the recipient the Rose K Rose Dissertation Award for best-written thesis. He has been an Advanced Science Research Center NanoFab Fellow, where he worked in a clean room nanofabrication facility, training students, faculty, and startup companies on using advanced equipment. He is a passionate turophile. Fred graduated with a PhD from the CUNY Graduate Center and is currently Product Portfolio Manager for High Voltage Systems at Advanced Energy.
Contact: fpearsall@gradcenter.cuny.edu
Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) of a novel Hollandite crystal.